diversion investigator panel interview

DEA Diversion Investigator - FederalSoup.com - Page 233.
DEA Diversion Investigator. When did you interview? The way she was talking was that I passed the hiring panel but would not say that she.
I was told at interview that if a COE was made, the drug test would be scheduled locally by the diversion office you interviewed at, and the rest.
You just need to know that there are still panels and testing that need to. What was your interview date and what office did you interview at?
DEA Diversion Investigator - FederalSoup.com - Page 72.
diversion investigator panel interview
DEA Diversion Investigator - FederalSoup.com - Page 229.DEA Diversion Investigator - FederalSoup.com - Page 210.
Diversion investigators track down illegal pharmaceutical transactions, chemicals used to make drugs, and doctors who illegally provide patients with dangerous.
Feb 9, 2007. The investigation also determined that on numerous occasions .. 2001, interview with DEA Diversion Investigators (DIs) at which she was .. of a " hormonal screening panel test''; the letter also recommended that the patient.
Quote: The agency has expanded its use of tactical diversion squads, which combine special agents, diversion investigators and local law.
Or, if you haven't gone through the hiring panel yet, then there isn't much of a chance of .. Going on a couple of months since my interview.
DEA Diversion Investigator - FederalSoup.com - Page 71.
CK-12-JAC-608667 - USAJOBS.
“You're constantly watching over your shoulder, and it takes a.
DEA Diversion Investigator - FederalSoup.com - Page 192.
The interview portion of the process, is scored by all three graders of the panel and a score is given, in some instances a recommendation or.