seattle city light cost per kilowatt hour

Seattle City Light: Rates 2000-2002 | Bonneville. - City of Seattle.
Apr 1, 2002. Seattle City Light, accounts, bill comparison, public power, public purposes, ELECTRIC. All kWh over 10 kWh per day but less than or equal to 60 kWh per day at 8.58в per. Base Service Charge: 9.73в per meter per day.
Seattle City Light (SCL) works with design teams of their commercial and industrial customers to create high performance buildings with low long-term operating costs.. Air Conditioners: $0.20 -$0.23 per kWh saved. Heat Pumps $0.20-$0.27.
Apr 1, 2002. Seattle City Light account information, new customer information. in this table are based on the current second block rate of $0.0858 per kWh.
Oct 1, 2009. Seattle City Light facts for rate increase effective October 1, 2009.. The increase in the energy charge will be 0.10 cents per kWh for the.
Incentives & Assistance - City of Seattle.
Seattle City Light: Electric Rates & Provisions | 1/1/01.
Seattle Municipal Code - Seattle City Clerk's Office.
Seattle City Light Conservation | Home Heating: Zonal Heating.
seattle city light cost per kilowatt hour
Seattle City Light Detail Tables - City of Seattle.Power Lines » Seattle City Light and Nucor Enter Innovative.
Seattle City Light, rates, 2000-2002, Detail Tables.. Link to Seattle City Light web site · Search SCL. Lighting. Per kWh Off-Peak (energy only), Market price.
Seattle City Light, rates, 2000-2002, Bonneville Power Administration. Link to Seattle City Light web site. Per kWh Off-Peak (energy only), Market price.
Jan 1, 2007. Seattle City Light facts for rate decrease effective January 1, 2007.. form of a charge per kilowatt-hour to the customers in the City of Burien.
Seattle City Light has launched a new Community Solar project.. will then receive a credit on their bill each month at a rate of $0.11 per kilowatt-hour (kWh).
Seattle City Light, rates, 2000-2002, Bonneville Power Administration. Link to Seattle City Light web site. Per kWh Off-Peak (energy only), Market price.