highest rated cable tv shows all time

highest rated cable tv shows all time
32 TV shows to watch in 2013 [Updated] - The Week.Dec 11, 2012. Cable shows comprised 90 percent of this year's list and all of the top time-shifted shows were. Top 10 TV Programs of 2012 - Single Telecast.
highest rated cable tv shows all time
Cable News Ratings 2011: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS).The Cable Show You've Never Heard Of That's Kicking Network TV's.
Year-in-Review: Best TV shows of 2012 | Columbus Alive.
How 'Walking Dead' May Become TV's Top Scripted Show - Yahoo! TV.
Get breaking TV Ratings information and an unfiltered, no-holds-barred analysis of TV. But unlike TNT's first attempt at an original unscripted show, The Hero did not have the third .. That debut made Los Voz Kids the highest-rated reality series ever on the Comcast-owned network. ... By The Numbers - FILMS/TV/ CABLE.
Apr 14, 2008. Top 10 most influential basic cable series of all time. Disney as a cool venue rather than an outdated purveyor of TV for squares.. Any weekly list of cable's top 40 most-watched programs still has a large contingent of.
Nov 10, 2009. Total TV Viewership Hits All-Time High. Night Football' sacked all other broadcast and cable competition with TV's highest-rated show.
Ratings History: 'Larry King Live' Has One Of The Top 10 Most.
Newswire | Nielsen Tops of 2012: Television | Nielsen.
Highest Rated Drama TV Series With At Least 1,000 Votes .. A television show about two unique groups of teenagers dealing with life in high. He has his hands on every secret in politics - and is willing to betray them all to become President. .. Chronicles the life and times of Nucky Thompson, the undisputed ruler of.